How Many Hours Per Day Should Transparent Plaques Be Worn?

Transparent plaques are very important during the treatment process to ensure that you have properly aligned teeth. In order for your teeth to get better, you need to wear transparent plaques regularly. Usually, the presence of plaques in the mouth allows the teeth to move and effectively advances the treatment process.

The issue of how long transparent plaques should remain in the mouth during treatment is important. Experts usually recommend that the plaques be worn for at least 20 to 22 hours a day. This time is necessary for the plaques to work effectively and for the teeth to move in the desired direction.

However, this period may vary depending on the type of treatment and the individual needs of the person. In some cases, your doctor may recommend that you wear plaques for longer periods of time. Therefore, it is important that you follow your doctor’s recommendations about your treatment process.

Proper insertion of plaques and regular use is one of the important factors affecting the success of treatment. Therefore, taking care to wear the plaques for the recommended period of time per day will help achieve the desired results.
